Spring is in the air, and you may be itching to start pruning your hedge, but hold off for a minute. In today’s blog article, we are going to talk about cedar hedge pruning considerations.
Spring Pruning
Most people prune in the spring. And it will not hurt your cedar hedge to do so. But the problem with pruning in the spring is that you are pruning before most of the current year’s growth. So, for the rest of the year, your hedge will look pretty shaggy as it fills in with new growth.
Summer Pruning
Summer pruning is often recommended by experts because if you prune after most of the spring growth, your hedge will look neat and tidy for the coming year until it starts to new growth in the spring.
Fall and Winter Pruning
Fall and winter pruning is actually preferable to spring or summer pruning because it is better for the hedge. Hedges pruned when it is cold outside are less susceptible to disease. The disadvantage is the hedge is not as neat and tidy as the hedge pruned in June or July.
Pruning will keep the hedge in the shape that you want and encourages new growth. There is no definite rule about when to prune, and some individuals prune more than once during the year. As the old saying goes, “prune when your blades are sharp.”
For new cedar hedging, give us a call on the Lower Mainland at (778) 241-5664. This is our business and area of expertise.
Pacific West Cedars, based in Langley, British Columbia, farms, supplies, and installs cedar hedging on the Lower Mainland. They offer two kinds of cedars plus boxwoods: Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata), and Emerald Cedars (Thuja occidentalis “Smaragd”). They work with landscapers, contractors, and also directly with the public.
If you have any questions about this article or would like to talk to us about cedars, we encourage you to call us at (778) 241-5664.
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