How Fast Do Cedar Hedges Grow on the Lower Mainland
There is no one correct answer to the question in the title of today’s blog article. Hedges are living things, and while we may have general guidelines for how they will behave, how they will grow is not an exact science. In today’s blog, we will talk about the different factors that affect the speed of growth on the Lower Mainland.
The first and most important criteria is water. The hedges need enough water to perform optimally. In their first couple of years planted, water will determine if they even survive, and if they will thrive. However, once planted and stable, enough water means the difference between growing as fast as possible or not.
Sun is also a key element in the growth requirement. The more sun the better. Hedges that have part shade will still grow, but not as fast as those in full sun.
Some varieties of hedges will grow faster than others if everything is equal—which it often is not. Western Red Cedars have a reputation for being among the fastest growing, but that is in part because these particular cedars will get quite large. In other words, the plant has a long way to go to get to its final size so it grows fast when young. Usually these cedars are pruned back to a manageable size when they are used in hedging.
Where the cedars are planted also affects both their growth rate and their final sizes. For example, do the roots have room to spread or is there a concrete barrier impeding root growth? If you want your cedar hedge to grow fast, you have to give them an excellent place to spread their roots.
There are other factors, such as how close they are planted together or whether they are fertilized, but the factors mentioned above are the most important. The fact is, everything grows fast on the Lower Mainland because of the mild oceanic climate. So, it is not difficult to get your hedging to grow fast, too.
For new cedar hedging, give us a call on the Lower Mainland at (778) 241-5664. This is our business and area of expertise.
Pacific West Cedars, based in Langley, British Columbia, farms, supplies, and installs cedar hedging on the Lower Mainland. They offer two kinds of cedars plus boxwoods: Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata), and Emerald Cedars (Thuja occidentalis “Smaragd”). They work with landscapers, contractors, and also directly with the public.
If you have any questions about this article or would like to talk to us about cedars, we encourage you to call us at (778) 241-5664.
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